What is a Consulting Rosarian?  A CR is a rose-grower specially trained and certified by the American Rose Society to provide free advice on growing roses. Qualifications: To become a CR, a person must have grown many types of roses for at least five years, must have been a member of the American Rose Society for the last two years, must attend a CR school, and pass a written examination.  CRs pledge  to serve the American Rose Society and its local societies by finding new members and providing rose-growing advice free-of-charge to all people interested in roses.

Questions about growing roses in Alabama, Florida, or Georgia? Many of the societies have websites with valuable local rose information, meeting dates and contacts. Contact an American Rose Society CONSULTING ROSARIAN (CR) who lives near you. 

How can I contact a Consulting Rosarian?  The lists linked below have the names and contact information for the 100+ active Consulting Rosarians in Alabama, Florida and Georgia.  Feel free to contact any of them.

Deep South District List of Consulting Rosarians

If you are interested in becoming a CR, please contact Janet Newburgh, the Deep South District CR Chair at: JanNewburgh@gmail.com

For Current and New Consulting Rosarians

Link to the current Consulting Rosarian Manual, 4th Edition revised March 2021

Qualifications for becoming a Consulting Rosarian. Info for aspiring, new CRs.

2022 CR Annual Report Form (for current CRs)
New CR Candidate Form – Fillable PDF Form 11-2021, revised
CR Emeritus Request Form
Master Rosarian Designation Information  
Master Rosarian Nomination Form
CR Seminar Request Form